Private Practice 1996-2001
Alpert, Barker & Rodems
Practice areas:
- Securities arbitration/securities class actions
- Consumer fraud cases
- Employment discrimination cases
- Breach of contract cases
- Partnership disputes

Florida Attorney General’s Office 2001-2007
Lead assistant attorney general with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
Statewide chief of asset forfeiture
Representative cases worked on:
- Prescription drug fraud/doctor shopping
- Billing for fluoroscopy when only cortisone injections provided
- Dentist billing for fillings when only sealants provided
- Dentists billing for 4-sided resins when nothing provided
- Billing for Targeted Case Management services when the services not actually provided
- Upcoding evaluation and management visits
- Billing for high risk pregnancies when actually low risk pregnancies
- Exploitation of patient funds by family/facility staff
- Physical and mental abuse of patients by staff
- Private corrections company fraudulently billing Medicaid for providing health care to inmates
- Improper off-label marketing of prescription drugs
- Providing radiation therapy services without proper level of supervision
- Billing for physician service when actually performed by ARNP
- Ambulance service billing for advanced life support when only basic life support was provided
- Kickbacks/fee splitting
- Billing for custom power wheelchairs when only standard wheelchairs or scooters provided
- Podiatrist using medical doctor provider numbers to bill for services above the knee
- Improper unbundling of lab tests
- Improper revenue codes being billed by hospital
- Billing for supported living/supported employment not actually provided
- Civil recoupment of funds using statistical sampling/defense of attacks on statistical methodology

Private Practice 2007-Present
Lauro Law Firm: 2007-2008
Broad and Cassel: 2008-2013
Scott J. Flint, P.A.: 2013-Present
Representative criminal cases worked on:
- Podiatrist Federal kickback case
- Multiple medical doctor Insurance/Health care fraud cases
- Doctor dispensing prescriptions without licenses
- Durable Medical Equipment fraud
- Billing for supported living
- Receiving stolen property
- Worker’s compensation fraud
- Public assistance fraud
- Felony and Misdemeanor DUI
- Driving with License Suspended/Revoked
- Felony Battery LEO
- Aggravated Battery/Assault
- Felon in Possession
- Felony worthless check
- Grand theft
- Petit Theft
- Scheme to defraud
- Possession of cocaine and other drugs
- Violations of Probation
- Possession of alcohol by minor
- Criminal mischief
- Competency hearings
- Assist individuals and companies respond to grand jury subpoenas
- Federal proffers
Representative civil cases worked on:
- Defense against claims of false advertising by loan modification company
- Defense of guarantors against banks
- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act cases
- Employment Discrimination
- Securities fraud arbitrations
- Breach of contract cases
- Civil False Claims Act/Qui Tam cases
- Defense of doctors/nurses before the Florida Department of Health and Medicare exclusion proceedings
- Domestic Violence Injunctions
- Foreclosure actions